Just because you don’t see much clinical FE- those poor ewes peeling and hiding from the sun- doesn’t mean you don’t have a problem. Liver damage can still be impacting ewe performance. Light ewes at this time of year may be suffering from subclinical FE If 10 % of your ewes are subclinical they may - -Scan 20 % lower than the flock average -Losses 15 % higher -Weaning weight 10 % lower Over 1000 ewes this could look like – Flock average Subclinical ewes Scan 160 % 140% Wean 1400 lambs 1200 lambs Wean Weight 35 kg 32 kg
At a store price of $ 3 / kg $ 105/ lamb $96/ lamb $147,000 $115,200
$ 31 800 of missed opportunity.
Please call Kate on 09 2333 230 for more information or email [email protected]
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Nikau Coopworth bloodlines are consistent high performers at scanning time; notably in the more challenging seasons. Results in the top 10 %